


Well, here we are off and running into 2025! First, I would like to personally thank one of our members for hosting an impromptu New Year’s Eve party and inviting all of SPN! What a great way to close out 2024 and start the new year!

Already the days are getting longer, and spring will be here before we know it. Our first major event of the year is the Super Bowl Party, and we thank one of our members for opening her home once again for this year’s event. Whether you are a “die-hard” football fan or just like to socialize with friends and partake of food and drink, we look forward to seeing everyone there.

We are excited about gaining a number of new members over the past few months. Please make sure you take some time to get to know these delightful new additions to our group. We look forward to an exciting year with old and new members!

It’s time to take action to nail down the Board of Directors for 2025-26 prior to our 37th annual Anniversary Party in April where the new Board will be installed. If you are willing and able to serve, please let us know.

Sue Logan,
SPN President


Testament from an SPN Member

Many of us find ourselves alone after many years of marriage and raising children. This can happen suddenly and can be very overwhelming. I quickly realized that I was responsible for my happiness and well-being. No one was going to feel sorry for me, and that was the reality of my situation. I was aware of some church singles groups; and with a lady friend, I decided to try one out. Instead, what we walked into was an SPN birthday party. There we were in all of our glory, not knowing a sole, not really even knowing what SPN was. Immediately, we were welcomed to the party, introduced to others, and invited to have some cake. This was roughly twelve years ago, and I have been an active member of this wonderful group ever since. This is a family of friends, a place where you can walk in alone and feel right at home. I have an opportunity to participate in the many activities provided to this group by our Board Members. Yes, SPN has been a blessing for me. I have made many, really good friends. We are active seniors that find strength in knowing others in SPN and having someone to do fun activities with.

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