


Did you know the first day of Autumn is Sunday, September 22? It certainly doesn't feel like fall yet but let's hope that changes before too long.

We wrapped up the summer with a couple of fun events. We had a fun-filled Labor Day Party with lots of great food shared amongst the 41 friends attending. We enjoyed a new game of solving riddles introduced by Elaine, Marilyn, and myself. Our guest, Steve along with Julie tied for first place, getting 15 out of 18 correct. Great job guys! Hal, Paul, Nina, Judy, Starr, and Marilyn took a dip in the pool before being driven out by rain. Meanwhile, there were 3 tables of dedicated gamblers playing “Left, Center, Right.” It was a really fun way to spend Labor Day, and it was great seeing Marsha back in town for a bit. Thank you Sherrie for arranging for us to use your neighborhood clubhouse.

The Port Aransas trip was a total success with 27 current/past SPN members along with a couple of guests. Tropical storm Francine stayed off-shore so didn’t present any weather issues. It did, however, give us some beautiful wave action and high tides to enjoy. The first evening we enjoyed dinner at Seafood & Spaghetti Works. The next evening, we all contributed to a beautiful layout of appetizers for happy hour hosted by Gary & Hal at Gary’s condo. Great job guys! We gathered the last evening in Lorraine, Martha, and Sue’s condo for nachos and leftovers. Great trip!

Keep an eye out for all the fall events listed in the next few pages!

Sue Logan,
SPN President


Testament from an SPN Member

Many of us find ourselves alone after many years of marriage and raising children. This can happen suddenly and can be very overwhelming. I quickly realized that I was responsible for my happiness and well-being. No one was going to feel sorry for me, and that was the reality of my situation. I was aware of some church singles groups; and with a lady friend, I decided to try one out. Instead, what we walked into was an SPN birthday party. There we were in all of our glory, not knowing a sole, not really even knowing what SPN was. Immediately, we were welcomed to the party, introduced to others, and invited to have some cake. This was roughly twelve years ago, and I have been an active member of this wonderful group ever since. This is a family of friends, a place where you can walk in alone and feel right at home. I have an opportunity to participate in the many activities provided to this group by our Board Members. Yes, SPN has been a blessing for me. I have made many, really good friends. We are active seniors that find strength in knowing others in SPN and having someone to do fun activities with.

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